The General Electric M61A1 Vulcan is a 6-barrel 20mm cannon of the gatling-type. It fires standard M50 ammunition at 6,000 rounds per minute and is integral part of the armament...
The medium size Bowie is another outstanding design by Ruren Knives. The design is simple and really solid. The quality Damascus Blade and yellow sandal wood handle with handmade Italian...
INTRODUCING THE BENCHMADE HUNT. Research projects, R&D lab tests and many miles of field research provided the foundation for the design and development of Benchmade HUNT. Built from advanced materials...
Benchmade Knife Company, Inc. set-up shop in Clackamas, Oregon in 1990 (originally founded in California in 1988). The initial knives primarily consisted of the Bali-Song knives, using a combination of...